Modern Biotechnology is Indispensable as Uganda Modernizes

In order to sustainably feed the country’s drastically incremental population in the face of climate change effects, there’s utmost need to change the approach and appropriately use all tools in the agricultural tool-box, prioritizing modern tools like biotechnology.

Why Engineers Should be Wary of Climate Change

Failure to adopt climate resilience paradigms on infrastructure projects presents huge potential for loss, considering the high capital and investment costs incurred when developing public infrastructure.

Today is World Bipolar Day. Here is Why the Day Matters

Today, 30th March, is World Bipolar Day. Commemoration of the day is an initiative of the International Bipolar Foundation (IBF) in collaboration with the Asian Network of Bipolar Disorder (ANBD) and the International Society for Bipolar Disorder (ISBD).

Jack Ma: Africa is the Future of e-Commerce. And Young Africans hold the Keys

Jack Ma reiterated his confidence in the youth whom he said, had huge potential to boost emerging markets to develop Africa.

Here’s Why We Need to be Prepared for Disruptions that come with Business Innovations

As it goes, this type of disruption has been good for industries across the world and we must embrace it as we strive to develop and grow our businesses in a challenging and fast-changing world.

Equality in Uganda is achievable. Here is how

Early this year, the anti-poverty charity Oxfam released a research report which showed that by 2016 1% of the world’s population will own more wealth than the other 99%. Winnie Byanyima the Executive Director Oxfam International launched a passionate campaign to help change the tide.

If we are to ‘leave no-one behind’ by 2030, then we should get serious about decent youth employment

Scholars have long warned about the danger posed by such large unemployed youth populations. The Arab Spring, which toppled long-serving regimes in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, was partly conditioned by lack of employment opportunities for young people. A World Bank survey in 2011 showed that about 40% of those who join rebel movements say they are motivated by a lack of jobs.

Global Income Inequality is Our Greatest Challenge Today

Society is increasingly becoming divided, not necessarily between blacks, whites or Muslims and Christians, but primarily between the rich and poor. And this is a threat to the very future of humanity.

Why we should use Democracy to act on Climate Change

One the ways young people can lead on this is to be active participants in the political processes wherever they are. Unfortunately, voter apathy around the globe has steadily increased in recent decades and is particularly apparent in the youngest voter demographic.

Is Green Construction The Way To Go?

The effects on our economy and continent from greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution and resource depletion are becoming increasingly clear. By going green, construction firms can not only survive, but also thrive in this new economic and environmental climate. The new competitive advantage will be and, in many cases already is, ‘eco-advantage’ or green business.